Author: Tim McGregor
Cover reveal and release date!

Behold… the cover for Hearts Strange and Dreadful, the new book coming out from Off Limits Press! And we have a release date: February 15, 2021. Yup, the day after Valentine’s Day. Perfect timing for a book about hearts on fire.
This one is historical horror, set in rural New England. Hester Stokely, orphan and healer, finds herself fighting both a deadly plague and the gruesome superstitions surrounding it. Occult fires burn in the night as something sinister scratches at the window pane.
You can find more info, including the full wraparound cover and synopsis, on the publisher’s site. Off Limits is a new press that is quickly making a name for itself in the horror genre. I couldn’t ask for a better home for this new book. While you’re there, have a look at the first two Off Limits titles, both of which are outstanding reads that will creep you out while breaking your heart.
Reason to celebrate…
Lucky enough to work with the good folks at Off Limits Press. New book coming out early next year. I am beyond thrilled.

What I did on my summer vacation
I hope everyone is enjoying their summer, weird as it is these days. We managed to get away for a week to Long Point, which is where Aunt Maggie lives. I love this chilled out beach town.

One thing I like to do is to visit the charity shop in Port Rowan, about five minutes away. I found this old fave in the used book section. A whopping 50 cent purchase.

Perfect beach read, but what really urged me to spend two quarters was the inscription on the first page. Isn’t that sweet? I can picture this Mom curled up in her favourite chair, smoking a Menthol, and reading her new Stephen King book.

The book stack
I took this picture in the fall, after the paperback for Book 10 was done. Meant to use it for marketing, but never did. Anyhow, how are you holding up in this crazy plague era? The crew at Casa Spookshow are coping best we can. All the best.
Back from the dead
Just testing the site. I got locked out for a while and could not figure out how to fix it. Technical matters are not my forte. So I went and just started hacking with a machete. I think I need to update this dusty place. Wonder how bad I can screw it up this time.
Music to plumb the depths with…
Poor Tom?
The Du Mar sisters, before the calamity…

Clara, the youngest of the siblings, and brother Branwell, chose not to sit for this portrait.
Kiss me